Removal and Installation of Kinnaird Carbon Fibre Drone Reed Tongues


 Removal and Installation of Kinnaird Carbon Fibre Drone Reed Tongues

1. Slide the free end of the tongue to the side of the reed until you can grab the end of the reed with your index finger and thumb.
2. Gently pull the tongue out from underneath the rubber tubing and o-ring bridle.

1. Ensure that the tongue is inserted in the correct position. The rounded end of the tongue with the large bevel on the end is the free end of the tongue (the end that vibrates). Ensure that the tongue is inserted so that the tongue curves upwards away from the bed of the reed.
2. To insert the tongue, gently push the non-rounded end of the tongue under the o-ring bridle. Continue to push the tongue underneath the rubber tubing until it is seated against the lip machined on the reed body.
3. Position the o-ring bridle between the lines marked on the side of the reed body. Use this position as a starting position for adjusting the reed.
4. Check again to ensure that the reed is seated against the machined lip on the reed body.

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